Epilepsy Monitoring Units (EMU)


High Tech Evaluation for Individualized Epilepsy Treatment

癫痫、癫痫发作和癫痫样疾病的治疗具有挑战性. Every person with seizures is different, and the best treatment may include medication, stimulation techniques, diets or surgical procedures.

确定最适合您或您的家庭成员的治疗方案,首先要进行全面的评估和诊断. 配备基于计算机的监测设备,专门用于评估癫痫发作障碍, the EMU team can gather data before a seizure starts, while one is occurring and during recovery.


What to Expect When You Visit Our EMUs

Mackenzie Cervenka, M.D.成人癫痫监测单位(EMU)主任Sarah Kelley.D., director of the pediatric EMU at Johns Hopkins, share details about the units and their purpose, why patients are referred, and what happens after discharge.

A Multidisciplinary Team for Epilepsy Diagnosis


Your EMU team may include Johns Hopkins neurologists, neurosurgeons, nurse specialists, EMU technologists, clinical technologists, epilepsy fellows, neurology residents, medical students, nursing students, psychologists, psychiatrists, 个案管理人员和社会工作者覆盖你生活中受癫痫影响的各个方面.

Additionally, the EMU has a primary nurse and EMU operations manager, who assists in planning and coordinating your care before your admission

Behind the scenes, 动车组技术人员和生物医学工程师监督高科技监测设备的运作.

Your Stay at the EMU

Preparing for Your EMU Stay

观看并了解如何为您在约翰霍普金斯癫痫监测部门的住院做准备, including what to wear, what to bring, what to expect on your arrival and what to expect during your stay.


你可能会从约翰霍普金斯大学的神经科医生的初步门诊会诊开始, or your own outpatient neurologist may refer you to the EMU. 如果你有约翰霍普金斯系统之外的门诊神经科医生, 我们可能会建议你在来急诊前先看一下我们的神经科医生. 

The length of your stay in the EMU depends on what your tests reveal, the frequency of your seizures and other factors, but most people stay between 3 and 7 days. 离开急诊组后,你可能需要在医院呆一两天,这样团队可以调整或重新调整你的药物,确保你可以安全回家.

If you are taking medications to control your seizures, 您可能会被指示在住院期间暂时减少或逐渐停止用药. 这使得EMU的工作人员可以记录和分析你的癫痫发作. You will be safely under observation at all times in the EMU, so discuss any concerns with your doctor and nurse coordinator.

What to Bring

  • A sleep mask, provided that it ties at the back of the head
  • 您的持续气道正压通气(CPAP)机或其他家用医疗设备(如果您需要这些物品,请提前告知EMU工作人员), 因为当你到达时,他们需要由临床工程检查)
  • All your medications. After a medical review of all your medicines, 我们将妥善保管并分发给您,或请家人或护理人员带回家. 请不要将医用大麻或其他大麻产品带入约翰霍普金斯大学,因为这是严格禁止的.
  • 宽松的衣服,包括衬衫和纽扣在前面的上衣:不要穿套头衫或t恤
  • Personal care items
  • Books, games, crafts
  • Favorite toys and blankets for children

Arriving at the EMU

On the day and time of your appointment, you will check in at The Johns Hopkins Hospital's main admitting office. The admission process may take two hours or more. 请在入院当天服用处方的晨间药物,除非医生指示不要服用.

一旦你在招生办公室完成注册程序, you will be escorted to the unit. 每个急诊推荐十大正规网赌平台都有一个私人房间和带马桶、水槽和洗脸盆的浴室. 当你在头皮上戴上电极时,你不允许洗澡,因为电极必须保持干燥. 监测完成后,电极被移除,你可以淋浴. 如果有人和你住在一起,他们可能会在你住院期间使用淋浴.

EMU: Patient Resources


Tracking Your Seizures at the EMU

While you are in the EMU, 你将被录像和计算机脑电图(EEG)监测设备记录下来, which will be connected to your scalp 24 hours a day, recording your movements, speech and brain waves. We understand that this can feel invasive or bothersome to some people, 但这是保证你安全的最好方法,也是获取你癫痫发作信息的最好方法,这样急救队就能更有效地治疗你. You will not be recorded on video in the bathroom.

你的床边会有一个按钮,如果你感到癫痫发作,你可以按下它来提醒工作人员, 包括任何先兆如果你在癫痫发作前有这些经历的话. If you have a seizure, 你或你的访问者可以按下按钮并口头描述正在发生的事情. 每个房间里都有麦克风,这样团队就能听到你的声音,并记录下癫痫发作的过程.

Visitors and Family Members

而在过去,我们鼓励家属和访客尽可能多地陪伴推荐十大正规网赌平台, we cannot do that at this time because of COVID-19. Please refer to the Johns Hopkins visitor guidelines for the most up-to-date information about visitation. 动车组护士协调员和动车组工作人员助理也可以帮助您解决任何有关探视的问题. 

请注意:适用于18岁以下患者或有特殊需要的患者, 推荐十大正规网赌平台在欧洲货币联盟住院期间,必须有一名成年家庭成员陪伴在推荐十大正规网赌平台身边. 请在安排入院时与EMU护士协调员或EMU工作人员助理讨论这些安排.

Epilepsy Surgery Stories | Johns Hopkins Epilepsy Monitoring Unit

两位推荐十大正规网赌平台在约翰霍普金斯癫痫中心分享他们的经历. 黑尔已经和频繁发作的癫痫作了将近13年的斗争, starting from the time she was just 3. Erica had success managing her seizures with medications for years, but decided to pursue surgery after several breakthrough seizures. Both underwent surgery here at Johns Hopkins.