Two women standing apart, using cellphones
Two women standing apart, using cellphones
Two women standing apart, using cellphones


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Updated on July 15, 2020

现在,新的冠状病毒和由它引起的疾病COVID-19 在美国和其他国家的社区中传播, 诸如“保持身体距离”、“自我隔离”和“扁平化”等短语 curve” are showing up in the media.

它们是什么意思?它们如何适用于你、你的家人和你的朋友 community?

Lisa Maragakis, M.D., M.P.H. 约翰霍普金斯大学感染预防高级主任,帮助澄清 这些概念可以让你更好地理解为什么要推荐它们.

What is social distancing?

保持社交距离的做法意味着尽可能呆在家里,远离他人,以帮助防止COVID-19的传播. 保持社交距离的做法鼓励使用在线视频和电话交流等方式,而不是面对面接触.

As communities reopen and people are more often in public, “保持身体距离”(而不是社交距离)一词被用来强调与他人保持至少6英尺的必要性, as well as wearing face masks.  Historically, 社交距离也可以互换使用,以表示以下定义的物理距离.  然而,社交距离是一种不同于身体距离行为的策略.

COVID-19: When should physical distancing be practiced?


What is physical distancing?


As noted above, “保持社交距离”是在大流行早期使用的一个术语,因为许多人呆在家里以帮助防止病毒传播. 现在,随着社区重新开放,人们更多地出现在公共场合, 物理距离是用来强调在公共场所保持物理空间的重要性.

How can I practice physical distancing?

Wear a face mask or covering 当你不在家的时候,当你周围的人不是你的家庭成员的时候. 与他人保持至少6英尺的距离. 避免去人多的地方,尤其是室内,以及可能吸引人群的活动.


  • Working from home instead of at the office
  • Closing schools or switching to online classes
  • 用电子设备而不是亲自拜访所爱的人
  • Cancelling or postponing conferences and large meetings

What is self-quarantine?

接触过新型冠状病毒并有感染风险的人 coming down with COVID-19 might practice self-quarantine. Health experts recommend that self-quarantine lasts 14 days. Two weeks 提供足够的时间让他们知道他们是否会生病 and be contagious to other people.

如果你最近有过自我隔离,你可能会被要求进行自我隔离 从一个国家或世界的某个地方旅行回来 COVID-19正在迅速传播,或者如果你故意暴露于 infected person.

Self-quarantine involves:

  • Using standard hygiene and washing hands frequently
  • Not sharing things like towels and utensils
  • Staying at home
  • Not having visitors
  • 与家里的其他人保持至少6英尺的距离

隔离期结束后,如果您没有症状,请遵循 你的医生关于如何恢复正常生活的指示.

What is isolation?

For people who are confirmed to have COVID-19, isolation is appropriate. Isolation is a health care term that means keeping people 哪些人感染了传染病,哪些人没有感染 infected. Isolation can take place at home or at a hospital or care facility. 特殊的个人防护装备将用于护理 these patients in health care settings.

What is “flattening the curve?”

使曲线变平是指使用保护性措施来减缓速率 这样医院才能为所有人提供房间、用品和医生 of the patients who need care.

animated chart showing a flattened curve

很多人在几天的时间里病得很重 could overwhelm a hospital or care facility. Too many people becoming 几乎在同一时间感染COVID-19的严重患者可能会导致死亡 shortage of hospital beds, equipment or doctors.

在图表上,推荐十大正规网赌平台在短时间内突然激增可能是 represented as a tall, narrow curve.

另一方面,如果同样多的推荐十大正规网赌平台到达医院 以较慢的速度去医院,例如,在几个星期的过程中, 图形的直线看起来就像一条更长、更平坦的曲线.

在这种情况下,每天到达医院的推荐十大正规网赌平台会减少. 医院就更有可能跟上 有足够的用品、床位和卫生保健提供者来照顾他们.


An illustration of a doctor and patient wearing masks

我们随时准备在我们的社区实践中安全地照顾您, clinics, surgery centers and hospitals. 了解我们的额外步骤,以确保您的安全,以及您应该如何为您的预约做准备.

Lessening Coronavirus Impact

It’s important to know what to do if you feel sick. 冠状病毒大流行让每个人都意识到洗手和 protecting others from coughs and sneezes. Along with those essential 保持社交和身体距离、自我隔离等步骤和做法 适当的隔离可以减缓城市、城镇的感染率 or community.

这场大流行似乎势不可挡,但事实上,每个人都可以提供帮助 slow down the spread of COVID-19. By doing your part, you can make a big difference to your health, and that of others around you.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Scientist carefully insets a pipette into a test tube.

What you need to know from Johns Hopkins Medicine.